Canadian provinces updates on Omicron variant

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With the pandemic situations coming back to a little normal, Canadian government has started easing out some of the restrictions in the provinces. Omicron variant is spreading at a fast pace with approximately 290,000 active cases but the effects are not that severe like the previous ones. In this strain, in normal cases the hospitalization is not required and in severe cases also, it is only for short time.  Overall, the hospitalization rate is too low.

British Columbia province’s updates on Omicron variant

British Columbia Center for Disease Control announced new updates on the ways to manage and self-isolate during the illness. Some of them include:

  • No requirement of a COVID19 test when there are only mild symptoms.
  • No specific duration to isolate, you can resume your regular activities upon feeling well.
  • No requirement for even the family members to self-isolate.

Ontario province’s updates on Omicron variant

Ontario province has announced to ease out some of the measures from January 31. After consulting the Chief Medical Officer of Health, these declarations have been made. Another possible lifting on the restrictions is forecasted on February 21 and March 14.

Alberta province’s updates on Omicron variant

In the fifth wave, the COVID -19 cases in the Alberta province has reached the peak. Based on the effects of the Omicron variant in the other Canadian provinces and the rest of the world, it is assumed that soon there would be a down-slope in the curve of cases in the Alberta province as well.

Prince Edward Island updates on Omicron variant

The recovery rate of the cases is outpacing the active cases in this province.

Newfoundland and Labrador province’s updates on Omicron variant

Schools will reopen in the province for kindergarten to Grade 12. Before returning to school, students need to undergo two rapid tests.

Quebec province’s updates on Omicron variant

As of now, Quebec is not planning to lift the restrictions imposed keeping in mind public health and safety.

As of now, these are the updates on the public health measures by the Canadian provinces. 

For understanding the complete immigration procedure, you can seek services of a legitimate consultancy. Stoic immigration, a Canadian Immigration Consultancy follows a transparent process to help people immigrate to and settle down in Canada. They believe in 100% transparency and keep you informed at each step of your file processing. At Stoic Immigration, they make the settling process easier with data-backed and clear information. You can be assured to get the accurate information from costs to timeline to acceptance without any unpleasant surprises.

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